Paid Reach, Blog
& Social Logo

Art direction
logo design
mockup design

The internal team I was a part of underwent a significant transformation by transitioning from BASE to PBS (Paid Reach, Blog, and Social). This name change was carefully orchestrated to more accurately and comprehensively represent the multifaceted nature of our team's responsibilities and expertise.

The acronym PBS succinctly captures our focus on Paid Reach, underscoring our commitment to strategically amplifying content through targeted investments. Simultaneously, it highlights our proficiency in managing Blog and Social platforms, affirming our role in creating and disseminating engaging content across various channels.

This rebranding not only signifies a shift in nomenclature but also reflects a deeper alignment between our team's identity and the diverse range of activities we undertake to enhance the overall reach and impact of our initiatives.


In the creative process, I conceived and crafted two distinct logos, both designed to encapsulate the essence of our mission: the creation and unification of communities through blog and social platforms. These visual representations embody the core values of connectivity, collaboration, and inclusivity that define our team's efforts.

Concept One:

In envisioning the initial concept, I employed circles and circular edges to convey a sense of unity and community. The color palette for this logo aligns with Microsoft's current logo colors.

I designed potential merchandise or “swag” that I would personally use if these were brought to production.

Concept Two:

In the second concept, my aim was to integrate the heart symbol commonly associated with "likes" on social media. I crafted a handshake icon in the shape of a heart, replacing the "B" in PBS to convey the theme of unity and community. To reinforce this theme, I chose a color palette featuring various shades of blue.

I designed potential merchandise or “swag” that I would personally use if these were brought to production.

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